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Logo French Journal of Occupational Therapy

About the Journal

The French Journal of Occupational Therapy (FJOT) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes articles in French or English to advance occupational therapy research, practice and education. It is published by the French National Association of Occupational Therapists (ANFE).

This journal, complementary to the French journal ergOThérapies, is created in 2022 on the occasion of the WFOT World Occupational Therapy Congress in Paris. It is an online journal with free access, published twice a year.

The main objective of FJOT is to publish articles on occupational therapy, occupation and occupational science.

The operational objectives of FJOT are: to develop knowledge for occupational therapy research, practice, education and policy, to promote evidence based practice, to develop occupational therapy tools (assessment and intervention tools), to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions or programmes, to advance occupational therapy practice.


Types of articles

FJOT publishes original scientific articles (N-1 trials, randomized controlled trials [RCT], qualitative studies, mix-methods...), literature reviews (scoping reviews, systematic reviews or meta-analyses), short articles, editorials, letters to the editor. Narrative reviews, case studies, opinion articles, testimonials or summary sheets (reading, methodology) are not accepted: authors of this type of article are invited to submit their manuscript to the journal ergOThérapies.

Articles must meet the requirements of the Jardé law to be accepted.


Ethics and Publication Process

Submitted papers should be sent to They must comply with the FJOT recommendations to authors. They should clearly state funding, conflicts of interest, ethical approaches (with CPP number if applicable), and all authors and their places of practice.

Articles are first reviewed by the FJOT editorial board. When accepted, they are reviewed in double blind by two independent peer reviewers. The final version is validated by the FJOT editorial board before publication.

The Recommendations to Authors are available here.


The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board consists of an Editor-in-Chief, an Editorial Secretary, and Associate Editors.

Reviewers are international experts on the subject proposed in the articles, solicited by the editorial board for their practical, theoretical or methodological skills. Authors may propose reviewers in their fields of expertise.